Biotechnology Entrepreneurship
Craig Shimasaki PhD, MBA
This second edition of Biotechnology Entrepreneurship: Leading, Managing, and Commercializing Innovative Technologies is an authoritative, easy-to-read guide covering biotechnology entrepreneurship and the process of commercializing innovative biotechnology products. This best practice resource is for professional training programs, individuals starting a biotech venture, and for managers and experienced practitioners leading biotech enterprises. It is a valuable resource for those working at any level in the biotech industry, and for professionals who support and provide essential resources and services to the biotech industry. This practical, “how-to book is written by seasoned veterans experienced in each of the operational functions essential for starting, managing, and leading a successful biotech company. Biotechnology Entrepreneurship explains the biotech business components and underlying strategies, interspersed with practical lessons from successful biotech entrepreneurs, educators, and experienced practitioners. These veteran contributors share their insights on how to be successful in this challenging but exciting industry. Subjects range from technology licensing and translating an idea into a viable business, forming your legal company entity, securing angel and venture capital, navigating product development, FDA regulatory approval, and biomanufacturing.This book is a user-friendly guide to decision-making and overall strategy written as a hands-on management tool for leaders and managers of these dynamic biotechnology ventures. If you are contemplating starting a biotech company, are a manager at any level, a seasoned veteran, or service provider in the biotech industry, this book is a “must read. This second edition includes several new chapters on topics such as: What you need to know about valuation and term sheets Investor presentations and what you need in a biotech investor pitch deck Mentorship and why you need mentors Artificial intelligence applications in biotech and pharma Common biotech entrepreneur mistakes and how to avoid them
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