My Life And Work

My Life And Work


Henry Ford & Samuel Crowther


Henry Ford was a business and engineering genius, a folk hero, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, and sponsor of the development of the assembly line technique of mass production. While obviously self-serving, this book provides fascinating insights into the thinking of a true pioneer. Henry Ford is the classical writer on management. This is the foundation of all the management literature, and every modern manager should be aware with the works of the authors above mentioned. In the book “My Life and Work”, Henry Ford presents his view on different things: management philosophy, social life, human abilities and capabilities, the role of the bankers in the production, good debt and bad debt, the labor and the speculation, the roots of poverty and the ways to solve it, the role of the government, and other important topics. My Life and Work by Henry Ford is a very inspiring book and it should be a part of everyone’s personal library.



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