Blockchain Revolution

Blockchain Revolution  

Don Tapscott & Alex Tapscott  

‘This book has had an enormous impact’ Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft ‘Spectacular. Mind-blowing in its expansiveness and profundity’ Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple ‘ Iconic ‘ Clay Christensen, author of The Innovator’s Dilemma Cryptocurrencies are changing the world. They grant everyday people the power to invest, disrupt the world order and contribute towards a better future. Blockchain is the ingeniously simple technology that powers cryptos. It is a public ledger to which everyone has access, but which no single person or institution controls. It allows for companies and individuals to collaborate with an unprecedented degree of trust and transparency. It is cryptographically secure, but fundamentally open. And it is everywhere. In Blockchain Revolution , Don and Alex Tapscott reveal: · how this game-changing technology is re-shaping the global economy · how it is improving everything from healthcare records to online voting · how people everywhere are using it to side-step institutional barriers and take control of their future Brilliantly researched and highly accessible, this is the essential text on this major paradigm shift. Read it, or be left behind.



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